Insurance for Business Owners

Confidence comes when you feel like you have control over your financial affairs.  We believe it should be made easy to do exactly that, freeing you up to focus on doing what you do best.

As risk management specialists we understand that achieving financial security is always a work in progress.

We work with business owners, developing & implementing plans to outsource financial risks within their business & personal lives, including:

  • Asset protection
  • debt elimination (Repayment of Bank Debt, Lease, taxation & Other Liabilities credit cards etc)
  • Provision for business key person (directors/shareholders/staff) replacement or loss of shareholder capital value or loss of future revenue/profits
  • Provision for business shareholder payout (compulsory or voluntary acquisition)
  • Death, total & permanent disablement, crisis trauma, income protection
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Succession planning for family/ other shareholders
  • Estate equalization (For business owners, your business shares and assets complicate this process. In addition to usual estate planning issues, you now need to consider business partners, shareholder agreements, and other business relationships. Lack of strategic estate planning by business owners can create burdens on not only the surviving beneficiaries, but the business itself—sometimes causing it to fold under financial strain)
  • Emergency funding (should a claimable event occur, to assist with medical costs, funeral or other emergency health related costs or ancillary expenses)
  • Ongoing cashflow management. Budget specific planning to assist you to work towards your goals by keeping an eye on your spending habits, expenses and debt obligations.

After identifying your needs and objectives, we then focus on breaking down complicated issues and presenting you with options in clear concise terms, making it easy to implement solutions quickly and without fuss.

Our clients know their financial affairs are being looked after. This leaves them free to concentrate on their lives, their business and achieving their goals.

We look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.